Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bezier Curves

I did this based on a painting I created awhile back and this is the end result. What I did to create this piece was I used the pen tool and shapes as well. It did take a while but I found it easier with the pen tool.

I used one of my paintings for the image above.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

ASSIGNMENT 02 Curvilinear & Rectilinear Designs

I created this image with only circles. I like the idea of tracing a picture of myself, so I gave it a shot and this is the result. I like how the circular shape create implied lines which allow one to see the curves of my face. I used the eye as a focus point because it stands out the most. Mostly because everything is a grayish and white and the eye is colorful and different from everything else.

This picture I had the idea of using the grey value. I think that the different values help distinguish what is dark and what is light. For instance the the dark side of the building are the shadows and the gray part of the image is the sky and the white are the clouds.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Elements of Design

Curvilinear shape: This picture is composed of curvilinear lines and shapes. We can see the curves on her face, hair, body, eyes and even on the background. The variation of the colors make the curves stand out a lot and overall it looks amazing.

Color & Value: In this image color and value can be seen. Even though there is one or tow colors within the image you can see the different shades and highlights of the color; which allows the shadows and the light to give it form. The value of this image has similar values, like in a black and white you can tell what is a shadow and where the light hits and it works here too.

 Distortion: This picture of the comic character Batman, its distorted in a way that makes it look funny. The effect of distorting this picture gives its a sense of humor not really the serious and heroic look.

Non objective, Visual lines and Implied lines: This picture has a combination of non objective, visual lines and implied lines because the pattern of the lines has no meaning. If you look closely you are able to see straight lines going up which make then visual lines, but from a distance the black rectangular shape seem to be forming lines and that is implied lines.

Volume: Volume can be a great effect to make things pop out or 3D. As you can see how this mechanical robot is standing it gives it a slight angle and depth. Also the arms are pointing in a direction  which widens the length. And all the effects included like the different angles of direction of the firing bullets is also good. You can see more of the cracking texture and fire clouds and pretty much everything in the background.

       Realism: This picture of the homeless man is a great example of realism. You are able to see a great amount of detail within the image. You can see the wrinkles on his pants, shirt and skin, its not distorted in any way, its very natural and not exaggerated.

 Rectilinear: This picture is composed of many shapes many lines, rectangular shapes and sharp corners and angles. There might be some curves in it but overall it is straight flat angles. The colors and shapes and every little detail gives it a futuristic look.

   Abstract & Stylization: This image is a form of stylization and because stylization involve a slight bit of abstract, abstract seem to work well in this image. as you can see how the designer of this picture added many shapes and images and lines and all sorts of things that make this picture look distorted and creative. But it is not to distorted because the lady in the image looks like the main focus and the rest is designs and extras to make the picture look unique.  

    Negative Space: As you can tell in this logo Ed's Electric, you can see how the positive space creates the E in between the negative space which seem to be an outlet and a plug. which is a great way of showing negative or positive space.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Some of my work

I had some record disc laying around the house so I took a few pictures and mess around with it in PS. And this was the outcome of it. 

I just wanted to see how I looked with a beard...

This was my first experiment on Photoshopping my drawings and coloring them as well.

After the first one I decided to create more...

This was one of my last ones and moved on to something else.

The next thing I moved on to was Photography and gave it some effects with PS.

I got inspired by a friend to create this picture, she knew sign language and it looked like a good idea.

Instagramed my own pictures on Photoshop...

I had the privilege to participate in CSUN 14th Annual High School Invitational. 

Photography is something I enjoy doing.